Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just Ogle, but use google!

Its that time of the day when you are furious about something, when you hate to accept what you love the most.
Why does the country behave in a manner in which it shouldn't, trying to be the no.1 player only in the economical terms..

All the culture, values crap has been eaten away by termites, blame one, blame all. But first blame yourself.
Does anyone really have the heart to decide the best for the country, even if someone has, we just post on Facebook, write a blog, believe we have done our part by encouraging the masses, aren't we the masses??

A few hundred words against the fairer sex have made me come back to this page to pen down the furious ball of anger I have within. The unsustainable energy in people that hopefully will explode someday to save the future children : girl or boy from the unharmful (s.) relatives, the greedy men, nasty sons of bitches ogling every walking breast they see.

God help these people. But is he actually meant to save women the pain and agony they go through, first he made them beautiful, attractive and fair for every man to see them and love them, with the demeaning sex ratio in Indian cities, people have no other than to ogle, go home and went out their frustration using the hands that were made to eat, to help and to earn.

Then god went on to make women weaker (phy.) to let men abuse them with sheer power and strength, who the hell says we are equal. God knows, we would never be.

Then people expect you not have the female foeticide, oh please!!! Grow up you crappy health programes, trying to promote the girl child in the hope of saving the country, making global leaders.

Have you ever asked yourself, do you even know what your wife, daughter, sister goes through every single day. An average of 189 eyes ogle at every women, 7 pass comments, minimum 4 manage to touch them here and there, and 1 every day ends up satisfying himself in the wost fucking way possible.

Do they don't have a reason to live freely. When you emulate the west in terms of economy, politics, power, dresses, parties, education, lifestyles, live-ins!! Why the fuck are you afraid to let the women live a tension free life as the west.

Cuz you motherfukrs, just wish to get a lady a day, and smooge your way at night thinking about that touch, next day its another one and another one.. you find your targets..

But the targets, never forget you!!

No Peace.

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